This is a call to our Christian community to use our public voice and collective power to advocate for peace, challenge Christian Zionism, and all forms of empire.
The latest from CFP
Join our March Community Call to hear live updates from a Silwan resident resisting displacement alongside esteemed Palestinian artist Sliman Mansour, Palestinian American Activist Halah Ahmad, and members of CFP leading solidarity actions in their own communities. Together, as we fight for a free Palestine and dismantle Christian Zionism, we will not avert our eyes.
Mike Huckabee’s clear embrace of Christian Zionism and Christian Nationalism should disqualify him from serving as the US Ambassador to Israel, and as Christians committed to living into the loving and liberatory roots of our tradition, it is imperative that we speak out against his nomination. Write to your Senators NOW and urge them to oppose this nomination. We must stand against extremism and work toward a more just future.
CFP members are invited to participate in Solidarity Circles that consist of 4-10 people. Circles will collectively engage in political education, skill/leadership development, and spiritual formation, and will engaging in at least one form of action together during the the season of Lent 2025 (March 5-April 20), with guidance from the National Leadership Team.