Back to School

with Christians for a Free Palestine

Opening Session: Sunday, September 22, 8-9:30 pm ET
Classes: Monday-Friday, Sept. 23-27, 8-9:30 pm ET
Closing Action: Sunday, Sept 29

“Tuition” Donation

Thank you for coming "Back to School" with us! It takes resources to put on these events — the suggested donation per participant is a sliding scale: $25-100. We never deny anyone for lack of funds, so please contribute what you can, and if you are able to contribute more, please help cover the cost for someone else.

As students across the country return to the classroom, we invite you to join members of Christians for a Free Palestine Sept. 22-27 for a “Back to School” week of theological learning, skill-building, leadership development, and community connection, with a culminating national day of action on Sunday, Sept. 29. 

Our nightly sessions (8:00-9:30pm ET / 5:00-6:30pm PT) will be facilitated by an all-star line up of organizers and educators, including Rev. Jen Bailey, Founder and Executive Director of the Faith Matters Network; Nichola Torbett, Associate Director of the Kirkridge Retreat & Study Center; and Minister Candace Simpson, voice of the popular Fish Sandwich Heaven podcast. 

Weaving together spirituality & skills, scripture & analysis, nourishment & agitation, together, we will explore topics such as mapping community power, understanding movement ecosystems, ritual design for action, and resourcing our movements. 

Christians for a Free Palestine is a national movement aimed at challenging Christian Zionism, ending the genocide in Gaza, and advancing Palestinian liberation. In order to strengthen our ability to do this work effectively in this next stage of organizational development we are seeking to provide theologically-rooted political education and leadership development for our growing base. Whether you’ve taken action with us multiple times or just learned about CFP yesterday, you are warmly and enthusiastically invited to join us!